Records Review Registration

Please use the form below to register for the Records Review at the Presbytery Office on Monday, October 16th. These are being done in 20 minute blocks of individual time with the Stated Clerk. Please select your top three preferred times. Time slots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis and you may not get one of your choices. You will be notified via email no later than October 12th of what your assigned time is. If the time slots are full, you will need to either attend one of the other Records Review events or make arrangements with Ted McCulloch at  or 989-799-7481 extension 4 to have them read at another time.

Registration is not required for the October 21st reading at Bay City-Westminster or the October 28th reading at Lapeer-First. Both events begin at 10:00am and will be a group event.


Register For Records Review

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Time Slot*

Choose your top three preferred times. You will receive an email prior to the event notifying you of your assigned time slot.