Documents and Forms

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Pastoral Call forms, CRE contracts, temporary covenants, minimum terms of call and information on calling a pastor are all available on our Commission on Ministry page.



Denominational Resources


2023-2025 Book of Order (Full Copy)

2023-2025 Book of Order (Text Only - Printer Friendly) 

Click here to order printed copies from the PC(USA) Store

Synod of the Covenant Higher Education Grants and Scholarships

Preparedness For Pandemics Guidelines for Congregations from PDA

Book of Confessions

Social Media Policy (PDF version, not editable)

Social Media Policy (Word version, editable) 



Financial Information


Synod of the Covenant Grants Information on numerous types of grants available through the Synod

Scholarship Application - Clergy and Elders ***NEW FORM. Revised May 2023***

Loan Application

2024 Minimum Terms of Call 

2024 IRS Mileage Rate Information

What Is Per Capita? Intended is to be used as a bulletin insert, but may be distributed however you wish. This has been updated with 2024 information.

2024 Per Capita Apportionment

2024 Commitment Form

Sources of Income

Expense/Disbursement Voucher




Background Check Form NOTE: Please indicate gender on the form. Although Praesidium does not ask on the form, they do require it to enter the information for the background check. We are working on getting an updated form.

Listing of Our Churches By Region

Committee Member Descriptions Job descriptions for members of standing units

Records Review Worksheet Updated for 2022

Records Retention Guidelines

Clerk of Session Helps Document provided at the recent Clerks of Session Training with helpful guidelines for Clerks


Bylaws and Policy Information


Presbytery Bylaws Updated through 2021

Maternity/Paternity Policy

Personnel Handbook Revised 9/15/2020

Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) Policy  PLEASE NOTE: This policy is in the process of being revised. If you have questions, please contact the Executive Presbyter or the Stated Clerk. Also, the contract found in this policy is not the current form and will NOT be approved to COM. Please visit the Commission on Ministry page for the correct form.

Pulpit Supply Policy

Sexual Misconduct Harassment and Child Protection Policy Approved at the 6/4/2024 stated meeting of presbytery

Sexual Misconduct Policy Revised 9/15/2020

Child Protection Policy - Model 1

Child Protection Policy - Model 2




Two Coins A Meal Updated February 2023

Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN) Distributed at the December 2019 presbytery meeting

Niger Grain Bank New Brochure - February 2023