Conflict Workshop

Friday, April 17, 2015, 4:00 PM - Saturday, April 18, 2015, 4:00 PM

Location: Flint-First, 746 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI US 48502

Coordinator: CJ Merriman

The Presbytery of Lake Huron through the Commission on Ministry is offering a workshop entitled "Conflict in the Church: Entrusted with the Message of Reconciliation" on April 17-18 at First Presbyterian of Flint.  Conflict is a normal part of life, even in the church. Understanding this can help church members realize that they should not be surprised or ashamed when they experience conflict in their faith communities. What is important is how the conflicts that inevitably arise are dealt with. The Conflict in the Church: Entrusted with the Message of Reconciliation workshop teaches some basic skills that will help participants manage conflicts within the congregation in a healthier manner.

The goal of the workshop is to help participants gain the understanding and the skills needed to prevent destructive conflicts in the future. Participants also see how church conflict can be transformed into an opportunity to learn something new about God’s will for their church.

The workshop will be led by Bill Blank, Associate Director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center and is designed for anyone in a leadership position in your church or anyone who is interested in dealing with conflict more effectively.  LMPC provides excellent training and you won't want to miss it.

A block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Express Flint-Campus area, 1150 Robert T. Longway Blvd, Flint, (toll-free 1-888-465-4329) have been reserved for this workshop.  Attendees should use the group code:  “EG1: Conflict in a Church” when reserving their room.  Rooms are at the cost of the individual. 

Click here for the brochure which includes registration and pricing information.

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