Book Study


At the June presbytery meeting, the Mission Coordination Committee extended an invitation to the presbytery to join together in reading the book, “I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis” by Jeremy Everett. In the book, Jeremy shares his work in communities to build partnerships between organizations to address the millions of Americans who live with food insecurity, hunger, and other poverty related challenges. To foster continuing conversations in our own corner of Michigan, the MCC is hosting a presbytery-wide event on Saturday, September 30th at Bay City-Westminster (9:30am-1:30pm).

The day will include a keynote address from Dr. Phil Knight, the Executive Director of the Food Bank Council of Michigan. Dr. Knight will then join Samantha McKenzie of Hidden Harvest, and another panelist from our region to discuss the work that each of their organizations does in alleviating hunger and how they collaborate with others to do so.

Following a simple lunch, we’ll have an opportunity in small groups to hear what hunger work some of our churches are doing and begin brainstorming ways that we can work together in furthering the work being done to feed our neighbors.

While the book prompted our focus, having read “I Was Hungry” is not a requirement to attend. Our conversations will be around hunger work being done in our communities and how we can work together to feed the hungry in our area. Anyone interested in continuing this conversation is welcome to attend!

As a discussion starter, each church is invited to bring pictures, a poster board, or other physical presentation that describes the mission work your congregation does to address hunger and food insecurity in your community. Displays can be set up in the Fellowship Hall for participants to browse and will be used during our small group discussion time.

Please let us know you are coming by registering here or by contacting Rev. Jamie Milton ( )

Click here for a printable flyer including the schedule for the day.


Mission Coordination Committee Book Study Event

This is for planning purposes only and you are welcome to change the number anytime.